Assessment Information

This assignment is designed to assess learning outcomes:

This assignment is an individual assignment.

The assignment requires you to use the case study provided on the Moodle webpage: Abdullah and Siti-Nabiha (2012) Leadership and Change Management: A Case Study of Pemancar.

▪ Critically evaluate at least 2 diagnostic models and apply 1 to your chosen case study. (2,000 words) ▪ Critically discuss the interventions (at least 2) you would implement in your case study. (1,000 words) ▪ Critically analyze any resistances you anticipate and provide recommendations for addressing them.

(500 words)

NB: You are expected to conduct additional reading beyond what is covered in the module to strengthen your discussion.

Attendance and participation in lectures and seminars are required to do well in this assignment. Criteria for Assessment

This table details the weightings of the five criteria by which the student’s work should be assessed.

  1. Critically analyze current theory and best practice in change management.
  2. Develop a change management plan and outline its implementation, demonstrating how managers

and organizations manage change in a sustainable way.

  1. Conduct critical analysis of information related to change and suggest improvements so that

responsible effective management is carried out.

Criteria Proportion of overall module mark
1. Demonstration of Learning Outcomes 5%
2. Critical evaluation and application of diagnostic models 40%
3. Critical discussion of interventions 20%
4. Critical analysis of resistances to change and recommendations 10%
5. Evidence of reading, use of resources and research 15%
6. Accurate citations and referencing 5%
7. Presentation, grammar and spelling 5%
Total 100%