1. Instructions:

Answer the following FOUR questions.

You should refer to the readings and arguments that have been set for this subject, including the textbook and additional readings. You DO NOT need to go beyond the set readings for each week to answer these questions. This is NOT a research essay. Do NOT use quotations. You should explain the theories in your own words.

Each answer should be 500 words in length. The total length of the exam is 2000 words. Word limits will be strictly enforced, and any content over the word limit will not be marked.

You do not need to use references.

Submit your exams in Word format using 12pt font.

Each question is worth 25 marks.


  1. Exam Questions:
  2. Explain the liberal feminist idea of formal equality. Explain ONE problem with this approach.
  3. Legal moralism is the view that criminal prohibitions are justified to prevent immoral conduct, irrespective of whether the conduct causes harm. Explain ONE justification for this claim and ONE objection to it.
  4. Dworkin argues that “rights are political trumps held by individuals” and should not be overridden for the general interest. Explain TWO reasons for the importance of rights.
  5. Explain Nozick’s ‘entitlement theory of justice.’ Explain ONE objection to it.


  • Marking criteria

Answers will be marked according to three main criteria:

  1. Understanding of key arguments and debates;
  2. An ability to critically engage with the arguments and debates;
  3. Clarity of expression.


  1. Rubric

High Distinction (85% plus)

A High Distinction paper will:

  • Demonstrate an excellent understanding of the central arguments and debates;
  • Accurately explain the arguments and demonstrate an appreciation of complexity;
  • Demonstrate an excellent ability to identify problems with arguments and how they might be addressed;
  • Provide evidence or reasons to support the arguments and claims being made.
  • Prioritise relevant materials and arguments, demonstrating a good structural balance.
  • Write clearly and concisely, using complete sentences, and have impeccable grammar and spelling.


Distinctions (75-84%)


A Distinction paper will:


  • Demonstrate a strong grasp of the relevant issues, but might contain minimal inaccuracies in interpretation;
  • Demonstrate an ability to identify problems with arguments, but not an appreciation of complexity.
  • Be well-written – with strong grammar, spelling, and syntax – but instances of redundant language or cumbersome style.

Credit (65-74%)


A credit paper will:


  • Demonstrate some understanding of the relevant issues, but might contain inaccuracies in interpretation;
  • Demonstrate some ability to critically engage with the arguments;
  • Be adequately written, while showing errors in paragraph structure, grammar, spelling, or syntax.

Pass (50-64%)


A pass paper will:

  • Present a description of the relevant issues and arguments that is mostly accurate, but not a thorough understanding;
  • Demonstrate an attempt at critical engagement but not provide sufficient reasons or evidence for the claims being defended.
  • Be poorly written with common errors of paragraphing, grammar, syntax, or spelling.


Fail (below 50%)


Papers which exhibit any of the following characteristics may be awarded a Fail grade:

  • the paper does not demonstrate an adequate grasp of the issues;
  • the paper does not demonstrate comprehension of the set materials;
  • the paper fails to demonstrate any critical engagement with the arguments.
  • written expression is so poor that the student’s description, analysis, interpretation or evaluation of the literature is frequently unclear;
  • referencing and citation is so poor as to be meaningless with regard to providing adequate support for the description, analysis and argument;
  • the paper exhibits some evidence of plagiarism.