Guidance for the written assignment Level 7
In this assignment you must critically analyse and synthesize the different prescribing decisions that could be made in the management of a specific condition. It is not a case study, but an opportunity to consider the effectiveness of the pharmacological treatment options for the management of a condition. You must consider the quality of the evidence supporting different treatment choices. In addition, you must to consider the wider organizational issues that may arise in relation to prescribing practice. The pass mark for this assessment is 50%.

• The Module Learning Outcomes should be the focus for the assignment.
• Critically analyse and synthesise the evidence of the chosen topic in depth
Justify any proposed changes to practice in your area on the basis of the examination of the literature
• Word Limit 2500 words +10%

Introduction to your assignment
Briefly explore the areas that you will discuss in this assignment
250 words
Introduction to the condition to be discussed
Briefly explore the condition to be discussed
250 words
Discuss the health advice that should be discussed
Critically explore the evidence on the effectiveness of any health advise
250 words
Discuss the main pharmacological treatment options
• Critically explore and synthesize the evidence on the effectiveness of the main pharmacological treatment options.
• Consider the quality of the evidence you present.
• Include relevant pharmacology
• Consider in what circumstances the drugs discussed would be first line treatment options
1000 words
Discuss how treatment decisions to manage patients with this condition may affect the wider organization.
Engage in a discussion of the wider organizational issues related to prescribing decisions such as budgets, pressures to prescribe, team working
500 words
Brief summary of the key areas that have been discussed
250 words
All written work is to be word processed. The font used must be either Ariel, Times New Roman or Comic Sans size 12. An A4 sheet of paper can fit approximately 580 words using such defaults with Arial size 12, 510 words using such defaults with Comic Sans size 12 and 640 words using Times New Roman size 12.

i. The margins, headers and the footers should comply with the following Microsoft® Word defaults:

• Top margin = 2.54cm
• bottom margin = 2.54cm
• left margin = 3.17cm
• right margin = 3.17cm
• 1 ½ line spacing

ii. The use of such defaults allows approximately 600 words per A4 sheet. This approximation will be used to initially estimate whether an essay has potentially breeched any set word limit.
iii. The word limit for essays applies to the introduction, main body, the text in tables, conclusion and references within the essay, but does not apply to footnotes, end notes, diagrams, appendices, reference section and bibliography.
iv. Students must clearly state the number of words in their essay on the title page.

• There must be no way of identifying patients/clients or their family or the staff and placement (hospital, ward number or name) associated with the assignment.
• A pseudonym should be used for patient/client e.g. a first name.
• Acknowledge the NMC confidentiality clause. This is especially important for the assignment and presentation of this module; it is recommended that you state you have protected confidentiality within your assignment and in all portfolio evidence submitted for this module.
• Personal and hospital details must not be included.
• Forms must not be copied.
• TIPP-EX is unacceptable.
• Refer to your Student Handbook on the topic of “Guidelines Indicating an Automatic Failure for Unsafe Practice in Both Practice and Academic Assessment”.

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