MAN3052 Course Project

Fall 2019

Your course project is worth up to 20% of your final grade.  It is due in the D2L drop There are no late submissions accepted.

Submit your project to the assignments section of Blackboard for this course:

Be sure to mark your project as required by the syllabus!!



Doe, Jane/MAN3052/10362/Class Project

  • The project is to be submitted in typed (word-processed) format on no more than 8 and no less than 5 pages of 8½ by 11 inch paper.  This is an electronic submission to the assignments section of Blackboard.   The font size should be 12 pitch in Times New Roman.  Margins should be one inch.  Please single space the text.
  • The page requirement is exclusive of Title Page and Reference page.
  • Projects should be submitted to the assignments section of Blackboard.
  • The Title Page includes your name, the date, the course number/title, and your project title.
  • If you use material from outside resources, appropriate credit must be given to the source and a list of references is required.  You may use any reference and citation methodology.
  • Be sure to proof read your project.  Good, clear writing is expected.  There will be a reduction in points if there are grammar and spelling errors.  Proof read again and again before turning it in!

Exploring the World Wide Web

Surf the Internet for resources or use the traditional library to research information on one of the following topics and to present an informed opinion and analysis of the topic.

Footnotes or end notes are not required; but be sure to give proper credit and citation to any quotes or ideas taken directly from the research.  You must include a reference list of sources used in compiling your discussion, even if you do not use footnotes.

Choose one of these topics:

  1. Search for the website of a company in which a manager discusses his or her approach to planning, organizing, leading, or controlling. What is manager’s approach to managing?
  2. Find a website of a company that is taking active steps to effectively manage diversity. Discuss these steps.  Is there any thing innovative about company’s approach to managing diversity?
  3. Search for a website that contains a good description of a company’s strategy and mission. Describe the company’s strategy to achieve its mission.
  4. Find the website of a company that relies heavily on teams to accomplish its goals. What kind of teams does this company use?
  5. Search for the website of a company that makes extensive use of information systems to deliver its goods or services to customers. What system does it use, and how do they give the company advantage?
  6. Search for the website of a company that describes the company’s approach to innovation or product development. What kind of activities does this company engage in, and how does it manage the product development process?

Be sure to use and integrate the material from our text.  This should not be a regurgitation of material from the internet.