
Such is the intertwined nature of physical and mental health and the complexities of ‘real world’ health promotion activities that meaningful evaluation of programmes tends to lag behind implementation, or evaluation lacks the rigor often credited to trials of pharmacological interventions. This assessment provides you with the opportunity to explore a programme currently in place and identify ways in which to evaluate it.

Learning outcomes

This assessment task is aligned to the following learning outcomes:

  1. Appraise the range of barriers that consumers have to achieving physically healthy lifestyles

Assessment details

Participate in the following discussion board by performing the following steps:

  1. Identify and review a programme aimed at improving the physical health of people with mental health problems. You may use local knowledge, the library or the internet to locate a program.
  2. Present a synopsis of the program (Its name, purpose, and structure), any links to information about the program, links to evidence on its effectiveness (if available) and share a critical comment about how the program ought to be evaluated.

My topic choice- Physical abuse and neglect in children.

Word count is 500.

Submission format

Please upload your research and synopsis as a Word document via Turnitin in Blackboard (Under Assessment Tasks and Submission). After the submission date please share your submission on the blackboard discussion forum.

Assessment 1 rubric (total marks = 10)

Criterion Marks
Presents a synopsis of a program aimed at improving the physical health of people with mental health problems not already discussed in the course. (Its name, purpose, & structure), any links to information about the program, links to evidence (if available) 4
Critical comment about how the program ought to be evaluated 4
Writing •

Spelling and grammar • Referencing