Level 5 Research Methods – Case Study on Quantitative Data Analysis – Individual Project
Go to the NZ Census at School Website (https://new.censusatschool.org.nz/tools/random-sampler/) and download a 200 person sample of UK students (Random Sampler) from the CAS International database. Each of these will be a random sample so no two samples will have the same data so copying another person’s work will be obvious!!!!
You should complete the tasks below – please read them CAREFULLY (especially the HINTS) and only do what is required – anything extra will be good practice but will not get you any more marks!!!
Data Cleaning and Entry
The data is in .csv format that can be loaded into virtually any analysis package, however it has not been “cleaned”.
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned Clean the data by removing blank lines or lines with incomplete data, correcting obvious data errors and making sure all data is in the correct format. Enter the data into SPSS, making sure the data is coded correctly and appropriate labels are assigned .sav file or screen dump of both data and variable tabs 10 For each variable (column), generate one or more appropriate summary statistics. Word document 10
Data Display
Data should always be displayed in an appropriate format. To do this you can use any tools you have been given or know about – marks are awarded on the appropriateness of the graphic, its accuracy and information content.
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned For each of the research questions below, generate an appropriate graphic with an associated paragraph explaining your findings. HINT graphs should be different types for each part What is the age distribution of your sample, and does it differ between the genders? Image in Word File with brief text description 10 Is there a relationship between Height and Arm-Span and does this differ between genders? Image in Word File with brief text description 10 How does the Median and Range of Heights vary with age and does this differ between genders? Image in Word File with text description 20

Statistical Analysis
Task Output Required for Assessment Marks Assigned For each of the research questions below, run an appropriate statistical test with an associated paragraph explaining your assumptions and findings. HINT there should be different tests for each section Is there a statistical difference in reaction time between genders in your sample?
Is there a statistical difference in the scores for saving energy and the importance of owning a computer in your sample?
Word file with details of the test used, justification of the test (based on YOUR data and findings) and appropriately formatted results of your chosen statistical test 20.
Is there a statistical difference between region of the UK with regard to the importance of reducing pollution, and if there is, where are these differences most apparent?
Word file with details of the test used, justification of the test (based on YOUR data and findings) and appropriately formatted results of your chosen statistical test 20.