3. Paper –  Font: Arial or Times New Roman
–  Font size: 12 
 –  Spacing: 1.3
3.2 Citations 
 Cite journal articles to support your findings and ideas.
–  Whenever you use direct citations or even when you refer to other persons’ ideas/concepts, cite the reference correctly within the slide, e.g. Nash (1950, p.5).
–  Do not forget to include the corresponding page number in the parenthesis.
–  Add the article you cited to the section “References” in alphabetical order.
–  A common style is APA. Other citation methods are allowed – most important is to be 
 consistent throughout the paper.
–  If you use online sources, please give the name of the author, the title of the text and 
 the URL under which it can be accessed online. You also need to add the date on 
 which you found the website in the way you used it.
–  Due to its highly interactive nature and lack of stability, Wikipedia and similar sites are 
 absolutely not acceptable for citing. 
 Citation on the slide: Literature finds a positive effect of money on
the purchase of wallets, 
 Scrooge et al. (2009, p.9)
 References: Scrooge, McDuck (2009): Money Matters. Economic Journal, Vol. 52, 
 Issue 6, pp. 1116-1147. 
 3.3 Plagiarism 
 Please be aware that plagiarism is a serious academic offence and strictly prohibited. Your submissions will be checked with respect to this.
Structure of the Presentation and Paper;
.3- The core part(s) may consist of multiple chapters. The concrete structure crucially depends on your business. –  Introduction (be creative here!):
 Describe your company. What are your products you are going to sell? Who are the C-level executives? 
 What are your current/future projects, e.g. why is it necessary to form a strategic alliance or to trade?