After reading and studying pages 1-95 in Successful College Composition, you will write a descriptive narrative essay.

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Write an essay in which you narrate and describe ONE experience that propelled you into epiphany or transformed you in some way.

Your essay must:

be at least 800 words long.
use the modes Narration and Description.
use the MLA General Format.
You must follow the “General Guidelines” and the “Formatting the First Page of Your Paper” guidelines on the Purdue OWL’s MLA General Format page.
As indicated on the Purdue OWL’s MLA General Format page, you must use a proper MLA heading that includes your name, your professor’s name, the course name and number, and the date of the assignment double-spaced in the top left corner of the first page and a title. In addition, below the date in the MLA first-page heading, I am requiring you to add the word count of your essay.
If you are unfamiliar with the MLA General Format, you can view properly formatted sample papers both on the MLA General Format page and on the MLA Sample Paper page.
utilize 1st person point of view/expressive (“I”).
state the thesis, in this case the epiphany or transformational experience, in the first paragraph.
describe the events that led to the epiphany.
appeal to at least three of the five senses.
utilize specific and interesting details
utilize dialogue

Create college level academic essays (in support of academic discourse across the curriculum), using the stages of the writing process
Express a specific opinion or position with supporting logic or evidence
Apply relevant composition strategies to match the needs of specific audiences and rhetorical situations
Adapt the purpose of their writing to match the needs of specific audiences and rhetorical situations
Critique aspects (purposes, strategies, rhetorical devices, etc.) of their own and others’ writing

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