For this assignment you will take on the role of an investigator with one of the following agencies: FBI, CIA, U.S. Air Force, State Police, or County Sheriff. Your agency is tasked to find the source of the drone explosions and assess appropriate criminal liability. The focus for your criminal investigation and the abilities to gather evidence will necessarily depend upon the agency you choose, so choose wisely.

Include the following elements in your Final Paper:

Identify your chosen agency and explain how the agency obtained jurisdiction over this criminal case.
Identify the key witnesses and explain the evidence required to prosecute a criminal case.
Analyze the technical aspects of the case study and explain the steps involved in building a case against the perpetrator(s).
Explain the methods required to manage the cybercrime scene.
Identify the possible defendants for any potential crimes committed.
Evaluate the legal issues that pertain to the information in the case study and list the constitutional impediments to your investigation.
Assess the defenses that potential defendants and Cybernav may assert in the investigation.
Analyze the potential crimes and likelihood for obtaining any and all convictions for crimes committed in the case.
The Terrorism Cyber Crime Investigation Final Paper

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