Quebec Act 

The following is a common structure for scholarly papers.

-Briefly outline the topic on which you are writing. State why you have selected this topic.

-Most importantly, state your thesis clearly. While this may not be a traditional thesis statement, since
this is a critical reflection and not a traditional research paper, as stated in class, this assignment is designed to 1) emphasize the importance of context, personal and historical and 2) push you into using critical thinking, moving beyond just describing surface-level facts and into interpretation- through-analysis. A thesis is the answer to the question you are asking, it is not a question itself, it is not the subject you are examining; it is the conclusion you have arrived at due to your research and analysis. It is an argument, not an opinion, meaning it is based in analysis and evidence.

-State your main sub-topics (or evidence) you will use to prove your thesis.

Body of Essay:
-Series of paragraphs containing a balance of description (i.e., outlining facts pertinent to your argument) and analysis (i.e., interpreting and evaluating the information you have examined). The analysis should always tie back to your main argument/thesis. This is the “thread” that connects each section of your essay.

-Each paragraph should start with a topic sentence (i.e., what is this paragraph about). That paragraph should be about this topic, not about five other topics. It should then end with a transition into the next
paragraph, which will be related to but different from the previous paragraph.


-Reiterate your thesis in different wording.
-Reiterate your main points that support your thesis.
-Can engage in educated speculation (e.g., “This topic will undoubtedly remain important in
discussions of Canadian identity….) without being too generalized.
-Conclusions should not introduce new evidence or argumentation.

-Use any citation system you want. You must provide citations for any information that you
are aware is not your own and/or for any direct quotations or paraphrasing you use. Citations are for providing credit to other authors, demonstrate you are engaging with a broader scholarly conversation, and allow readers to easily find the information you provided.

-A bibliography does not count as a citation. It is just a list of sources used.

-You can use first person language (e.g., “I will argue that….).
-Avoid other forms of informal speech, such as contractions, figures of speech, slang, or profanity
(unless these appear in a direct quotation)

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