STEP 1: Research

Look for articles on this topic, especially ones that may mention gentrification (what is this?) and the history of this place. You can even do this from home. Look for articles that seem relevant to you in some way. JSTOR is not as easy as Google to search. It is fussy. So think about your search terms. Also, you can sort by date or relevance. If you just put in “Highline,” for example, you may get too many “hits.” Narrow your search with other terms. You also have a Library Resources Page to help you.

  1. Create your own annotated bibliography, i.e. list your references and give a few sentences about each. What is article about? How will it help you with your topic? Those are the questions you should be asking yourself.
  2. Think about a title and a thesis. Write some options out. What the main point you want to make in your paper? How does your chosen work reflect a certain cultural ideology?

Step 2: Write

In your paper, you should support all generalizations with specific observations. Avoid simple description, unless you also state the significance of what you are describing in order to integrate it into a broader argument. Do not copy material from books, audio tapes, wall cards or the internet without citation. Do not, under any circumstances, copy text directly from the internet.

You may want to think about other neighborhoods that have undergone a similar transformation/gentrification—SOHO, Williamsburg, maybe your own? (New York)

Think about the role art plays in the Meatpacking / Chelsea neighborhood in this process of gentrification. (Downtown New York)

Think about in what ways are the relationship between art and the city in this area “modern”?

Think about how your own neighborhoods are changing, or not changing. Is gentrification going on where you live? How? Why? Why not? New York City


Paper must build upon a clear thesis statement

Paper must be 5 pages in length, in Times New Roman 12 point font

Paper must have a title (a good title will reflect your thesis)

Paper margins must be 1″ on left and right; top margin must be 1″ and bottom margin 1″

Put titles of works of art in italics

**IMPORTANT** If you borrow someone else’s idea, you must footnote it.  If you borrow text directly, you must put their words in quotation (” “) marks. (This applies to all information taken from lecture, books, wall plaques, etc.)