Summative Assessment Level 5
Word Count: 2000

Please choose ONE of the following topics for your assessment
Critically analyse the 5 principles of the Care Act (2014) and how they link up with core social work practice principles, values, ethics and PCF Domains. Consider the centrality of the wellbeing principle
Lacey (2020) identified evidence that each of the ‘trio’ factors in isolation can lead to worse child outcomes. Critically analyse the manifestation of the concept of the ‘Toxic Trio’ and its implications for the whole family
Provide a critical analysis of key social work interventions regarding end of life in the UK. Consider definitions and the espousal of social work values, ethics and PCF domains
Critically analyse current dementia situation in the UK, consider the scale of the problem, social work interventions, carer’s perspective…how might core social work values, ethic and PCF domains be evidenced in this area of practice

Assessment guidance
Always write from a social work perspective
Please write in the 3rd person not first person i.e. NOT I held a meeting with the family, instead the author held a meeting with the family…
Draw examples from practice and your experience in working with adults
In your analysis identify areas of further development
Proofread your work for spelling and grammar errors
Do not use contractions e.g., didn’t, won’t
Use UK English not American English i.e., personalise not personalize
When you make a point, please ensure that you back it up e.g., it has been argued…instead say Sampson (2020), Aladesuru (2018) and Karonyo (2021) argue…. Also ensure that you can reference all the statements that you make, at times it may seem obvious, but you need to reference the source of that information e.g. social workers have a duty to uphold professional boundaries. This appears to be an obvious statement BUT in academic writing it needs to be reference. You could use PCF domains to reference this.

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