Essay Question: Is using films an effective way to shape positive destination images?

Say films is an effective way to shape positive destination image.

20 relevant and up-to-date oldest 2011- 2020 only academic journal articles presenting original research in your essay and easily accessible to find.

Only use journal articles relevant theories/conceptual framework & presenting the results of primary research (research findingsà empirical evidence)

  • Compare & contrast the research findings of the original research articles;
  • CONVINCE readers to adopt your particular point of views and arguments, which must be supported by SOUND LOGIC & REASONING with solid evidence that SYNTHESISED from the research findings of the original research articles you used;
  • SYNTHESIZE the literature & structure your paragraphs around your arguments (instead of structuring your paragraphing source-by-source or article-by-article);

PROPOSE original & relevant recommendations, based on the main points from the body paragraphs, for marketing managers to take on particular actions in the Conclusions.

Structure of essay and tips to write:


  • Hook – open the essay with an interesting first sentence that intrigues readers.
  • Background information – give context to your argument/essay question (e.g. statistic or an unusual fact); familiarize readers with the content.
  • Purpose – state the purpose of the essay.
  • Essay structure – give an overview of your argument.
  • Thesis statement – a clear thesis statement in one sentence revealing the position to be argued.
  • Context of recommendations – state a chosen destination (Thailand) which original recommendations for marketing solutions will be proposed in the Conclusion.

Main body per paragraph

  • Present only ONE main point to support your essay question PER BODY PARAGRAPH.
  • Topic sentence – being each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that informs readers the key point/argument of the paragraph.
  • Compelling evidence –use specific research evidence derived from three or more highly relevant academic articles to support your main point/argument of the paragraph.
  • Analysis – show how your evidence supports your argument and build your argument.

Integrate with each paragraph

Define key elements of your essay question (e.g. destination image). Synthesize the definitions from multiple sources.

  • Strong theoretical underpinning o Brief the key elements of theoretical models/conceptual models researchers used (e.g. cognitive image; behaviour loyalty).
  • Synthesize the key elements from multiple sources.
  • Build clear arguments upon relevant theoretical/conceptual models.


  • Summary – recap the most important arguments/ evidence and encourage readers to adopt your position.
  • Original & convincing recommendations Propose relevant and original marketing solutions, based on the main points and highlights from the body paragraphs.
  • Specify what marketing managers of your chosen destination can do.

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