1. Describe how Ally has changed from the beginning of the book until the end. Think about Ally’s strengths and challenges at the beginning of the book and compare them to her strengths and challenges at the end.

2. Describe 3-5 significant events throughout the book and the impact of the events.

Reflect on 2 of the following:

1. What effective instructional practices did Mr. Daniels use in the classroom and with Ally?

2. How do Ally’s characteristics and the impact of her dyslexia compare with what you learned in class and from our textbook?

3. What have you learned about other characters throughout the book (i.e., Keisha, Albert, Shay, Travis, etc)?

4. As a teacher, how will you differentiate your instruction to meet the needs of students like Ally, Keisha, Albert, etc.?

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