Project One

Organizations often face the “build it or buy it” decision: whether to expand “organically,” or to expand through some form of business combination such as mergers or acquisitions, joint ventures, licensing, franchising (a form of licensing), or contractual, strategic alliances.

Discuss the key advantages and disadvantages of organic expansion and each of the listed forms of business combination for an international expansion. Support your views with relevant examples.

Project Two

There are five generations in today’s workforce, determine which generation you most identify with and state your reasons (I identify best as a Millennial).

What has been your experience (e.g., advantages, challenges, and differences in point of view or approaching a task) in working with members of the other generations identified in the textbook? This experience can be professional, personal, or academic. What steps could an organizational leader take to integrate a multi-generational, diverse workforce into the corporate culture?


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