This Assignment is broken down into (2) parts and a two page thesis/outline, please follow the instructions as given.

Please put course number 353 on first page of the paper

ASSIGNMENT 1: (six pages and eight references)

Midterm Assignment

Assignment Instructions

In college, I remember getting into a “discussion” with a classmate who was Muslim and from Turkey.  I made a judgmental comment about the Qu’ran and he asked, “Have you ever read the Qu’ran?”  Admittedly, I had not.  I endeavored to not only read it, but also learn Arabic so I could grasp the prose.  For your midterm paper, you will need to read the Qu’ran (if you have another translation than the Haleem one that is fine).  While you read, take notes on anything that peaks your interest.  Choose your topic (topic is due by the end of week three) from your reading of the Qu’ran.   Looking for an informal yet scholarly paper 4-5 pages double spaced and properly cited (your reference page is not included in the 4-5 pages!) and written in the first person.
An example thesis would be, “While reading the Qur’an, I realized that many of the same people influential in Judaism and Christianity are also important in the Qur’an too.”  Remember, this is not a research paper and you need no references other than the Qur’an.  I am interested in what YOU take away from your reading of the Qur’an, not what others are saying.  The main objective of this paper is to communicate to me that you have read and engaged the Qur’an….

ASSIGNMENT 2: (six pages and 10 references)

Before writing the assignment please draft a two pages thesis/outline. sample will be provided

Please look in RESOURCES on how to write a thesis/outline, and then submit BEFORE writing your paper!  First read the Final Paper ASSIGNMENT before proceeding.  Possible topics for your paper are listed in ASSIGNMENTS for your FINAL RESEARCH PAPER.  Also note the Rubric I am using to grade papers. Final Papers will not be graded until a thesis & outline are approved.  Feel free to contact me if you are interested in writing a paper that has a topic not listed.  Just keep in mind that a large portion of your grade stems from course text and lesson objective integration!

Write a research essay based on question indicated in below (or choose your own topic but ensure it is approved by Week Six). The paper should be approximately 5-6 pages, and a citations/bibliography page (not included in the 5-6 pages count, nor is a header page).

In writing this paper which ever topic you choose support your thesis with Islamic principles and concepts.  If you use a paper from a previous course, then no grade will be awarded.


(I will also consider other topics as well–often, students like to write about the impact of Islam on current events, the role of the US in the Middle East…)
Just ensure that you incorporate course objectives and texts/articles as much of your grade is based on this rubric.

In writing this paper which ever topic you choose, support your thesis with lesson objectives discussed in the course.

1. Discuss the development of Islam and why the Crusades played an important role in this religion?
2. Discuss how Sharia has evolved since Muhammad’s time? How has the Sharia, coupled with the solidarity of the Qu’ran, acted to increase the appeal of Islam?
3. Explain the interrelationship of the ijma, qiyas , the sharia, and the governing of an Islamic nation.
4. Contrast the different views of warfare and fighting in Muslim world. Why do you think jihad is often invoked but rarely followed?
5. Pick a key person in the history of Islam, and summarize the circumstances of his/her life, actions, and their impact on the Islamic world.
6. Discuss the Muslim teaching that submission to Allah leads to peace for individual and society. Explain and evaluate.
7.Explain the different roles of Imam for Sunni and Shi’ia Muslims. Why has the Imam has been important in Islam?
8.How has this course helped you to understand current events in relation to Islam?