
Answer the question(s) below in three (maximum) double spaced, font 12 pages, using only the text provided, i.e., Catherine Malabou, New Wounded. *My expectations are that you can grasp, analyze/organize, and then give a concise answer on some rather complex ideas.

One of the more promising philosophies recently centers on a reinterpretation of trauma. In her New Wounded (2007/2012), Catherine Malabou distills psychoanalysis and neuroscience through her distinct philosophical perspective, redefining the self and its broader socio-political context: “The border between organic trauma and socio-political trauma is increasingly porous.” First, (a) explain what Malabou means by trauma; then, (b) describe its relation to plasticity; finally, (c) answer the question: Do you think it is true that trauma reveals we are a series of distinct selves, not one continuous or `essential’ identity? Explain why or why not?