Assessment Briefing Document
Programme: BA (Hons) Acting, BA(Hons) Dance, BA(Hons) Musical Theatre
Module: UCIA6101 Theory and Research Methods
Assessment Component: CW2 Assessment Format: Practical Skills Assessment
Assessment Weighting: 40% Module Leader:  
Level: 6 Word Count or Duration: 2000 words
Assignment Title: Research Proposal
Submission Information
Submission Deadline:  
Feedback Return Date:  
Submission Method / Arrangements: Submission via Turnitin
Learning Outcomes Assessed
1. Evaluate and draw upon the range of sources and the conceptual frameworks

appropriate to research in the chosen area.

2. Draw upon the strengths and understand the limits of major quantitative and/or

qualitative research methods

4. Formulate appropriate research questions, in the process identifying a suitable object of

inquiry, develop appropriate research methodology and resources needed in order to

address questions of research appropriately

Assessment Criteria / Breakdown of Marks
Assessment Weighting Assessment Criteria
  100% Evidence of knowledge and understanding of key concepts and theories, critical and analytical investigation, evidence of appropriate scholarly language and syntax.




Assessment Task
You are required to write a Research Proposal taken from your research and Literature Review.

It is important that your Research Proposal considers the gap in the knowledge that you have researched, highlights the current literature on the subject, and how you will conduct your further research.


For this assessment you should employ the critical and analytical techniques taught on this module to successfully highlight and scrutinise the gap in the knowledge which you have identified on your chosen topic. It is vitally important that you DO NOT answer a dissertation question in this document.


Your Research Proposal will be marked using the University of Cumbria Level 6 Grading Criteria for written submissions. A copy of this can be found on the Blackboard site.


It is important to remember that a dissertation should employ the following:

·         Appropriate levels of written English

·         Accurate use of spelling and grammar

·         Fully referenced and cited using Cite Them Right (Harvard) referencing


You are required to submit your Research Proposal via the Turnitin in portal on the Blackboard site by 4pm on the deadline date.



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