Better Health Association of Ohio

Organizational Overview

Background The Better Health Association has been providing service to the central Ohio community for over 20 years.  Historically the organization annually has broken even financially.  Over the past five years the organization has realized a significant surplus in operating and reserve funds.  This year Better Health saw the surplus grow to over $1,000,000. The overall intent had been to retain this surplus in a manner that promotes responsible growth, improved and continued services to its community.
Mission To improve the well-being of individuals through health education, counseling and detection screening programs.
Vision To be the premier provider of state-of-the art health services in the greater central Ohio region.
Who We Serve Better Health serves all of the citizens in Central Ohio
Program and Services Better Health accomplishes its mission in the following ways through education, counseling and disease detection services:


Educational and Counseling Services

·         Nutritional and Dietary Consultations with registered dietitians

·         Support groups to support the stabilization of behaviors that impact health outcomes including weight and stress management

·         Weight management and exercise training programs and equipment


Detection and Wellness Services

·         Disease Detection and Management Services including: Blood pressure checks, cholesterol screening and diabetes tests.

·         Collaboration with partner organizations to provide community enriched health services.

Strategic Goals The following, department specific goals have been identified by the Board of Trustees for the continuation of the organization program expansions to reach and service more or the organization’s target populations. This is broken down by agency position.
Director of Client Services ·         Expand public screening of diabetes and cholesterol program by 50% within three years. By offering this at additional locations and larger turnout at existing ones.

·         Offer high blood pressure detection services beyond current locations into to lower income and rural areas that allows an additional 1,000 individuals to be screened per annum.

·         Offer health fairs through coordination with new volunteers at all major cities in the greater metropolitan area of ten counties that consists of 1.9 million individuals.

·         Establish active health support groups (nutritional, diabetes, weight loss) in the nine metro area outlying counties. Work with volunteer coordinator and HR for securing support group leaders.

·         Expand one-to-one nutritional counseling via a50% increase per annum in clients counseled.

·         Establish ongoing partnerships with additional six area hospitals to offer weekly weight management classes co-sponsored by Better Health and participating hospital



Director of Development ·         Increase revenue from the three major fundraisers by $240,000 over a two – three year maximum period (“Walk-for-Better-Health”, “Dinner –with-the-Stars”, and “Spring-for-Health- Challenge”.

·         Generate at least an additional $150,000 from major corporate, general giving and pledges in four years.

·         Secure foundation grants to underwrite the expansion of health screening and education service growth for support of new outlying association chapters in the surrounding nine metro counties.



Director of Marketing ·         Secure agreements from at least three major area advertising and marketing agencies to underwrite the creation and production of all Better Health special event programs for the next three to four years.

·         Create an active and positive presence for the agency in state-of-the-art social media venues that results in recruitment and assistance to new clients. Monitor and track results quarterly.

·         Develop systematic marketing plans that address every operational area of Better Health including client services, all fund raising events and general association promotion in all media venues.


Director of Finance/ Operations ·         Manage the financial growth of the Association with a focus on the next 3-5 years.

·         Establish an implementation and evaluation system for the monitoring of the Association’s financial performance.

·         Communicate financial information and reports to all agency directors on their department’s performance

·         Develops a system that reflects effectiveness and deviations in meeting strategic plan objectives

Director of Human Resources ·         Secure interns to support the director’s goals by program and event.

·         Recruit and train agency volunteers to ensure the expansion of agency and director strategic/tactical goals.

·         Oversee all aspects of the hiring of any new staff person necessary for the success of agency goals. Includes: advertising, recruiting, screening and providing overall acclimation to the agency.

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