Reading: “Is Google Making Us Stupid?” (Carr, Atlantic article here).

In this week we’ll look at Carr’s essay in terms of rhetorical analysis. Yet his essay also serves
as an introduction to the effect of the Internet, which is the subject of Essay # 3, due at the
end of the course. We’ll also look at Carr’s article in the evaluation section, where you’ll get
a chance to agree or disagree with him. For now, leave your evaluation aside and focus on
his use of rhetoric. Don’t worry if you don’t agree with his argument; the aim here is to get
you thinking about the effect of the Internet and to get you to practice rhetorical analysis.

RESPONSE: Take a metaphor used by Carr (jetskier, brain as computer, shallows, depths,
cathedral, etc.) and come up with a similar metaphor and a scenario which makes a point
about how you (or other people) are effected by the Internet. Make sure not to use the
exact same metaphor Carr uses. For instance, where Carr uses a cathedral, you might use a
Greek temple, a gurdwara, a mosque, a synagogue, Yankee Stadium, the British Museum, or
the downtown Vancouver library. You can use your own experience, create a fictional
scenario, or give an explanation. Remember that the response must be in one paragraph
and cannot exceed 100 words. See Responses for detailed information about responses, and
see immediately below for a few ideas and for the format. For analysis of metaphors and
conceits, see the Week 1 video “Metaphor” (on the Friend’s dialogue) and the Week 2 work
on Twain and Gore. Also look at the previous responses.

FORMAT: Identify Carr’s metaphor, then put an arrow, then put your metaphor, then write
a paragraph using that metaphor to make a point about using the Net. Put the metaphors in

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