In this journal you will have the opportunity to explore the social construction of reality, the process by which people creatively shape reality through social interaction. Sociologist Erving Goffman presented the idea that everyday a person is like an actor on a stage. Goffman called his theory dramaturgy, believing that we use impression management to present ourselves to others as we hope to be perceived. Impression management or the presentation of self is a critical component of symbolic interactionism. It involves presenting ourselves in a favorable light by controlling settings, appearances, and demeanor/manner. In our performances, we use these expressive resources or “props” to present the self we want others to see.

These “props” include:

  • The setting—choice of physical space, background
    • For example: Cleaning the house before guests arrive
  • Appearance—clothing, hairstyles, accessories
    • For example: Wearing a business suit to a job interview
  • Demeanor—tone of voice, gestures, body language, personal space
    • For example: Being reserved and serious when working in a library

Pick one of the situations listed below.

  • First date
  • Job interview
  • At your place of employment (state what type of establishment)
  • At a party with new friends
  • First date but it is a blind date
  • Job interview but you have a criminal record
  • At work and you are having a bad day or dealing with a “bad” customer

In your writing, discuss how you want to present yourself, the impression you want to create and what you think is expected of you in the chosen situation. You should describe and explain the “props” you would utilize to create the impression you want to put forward. While you are writing think about how gender, sex, age, and race may play into the performance. Explain how individuals present themselves and perceive themselves in a social context and often feel they must alter aspects of themselves to overcome stereotypes, create the “right” impression and be accepted.

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