BSc (Hons) Health and Social Care Management Assignment Brief Module Title Project Management
Module Credit Value
Module Level 5 Module Code LSME Academic Year 2019-2020/ Term 1
Lecturer Rume Okandeji Barry
Learning Outcomes
On successful completion of this module students will be able to:
1. Identify required outcomes, delivery process, timelines and relevant shareholders as part of establishing a project team.
2. Prepare and produce a project plan with defined roles and responsibilities using critical path analysis.
3. Carry out a project using an agreed plan having clearly identified all relevant issues and risks.
4. Produce and present a project report with an analysis of outcomes and recommendations.
Issue Date Sept 2019
Submission Deadline
Work-based Project 1: Project Definition and Planning: 5-11-2019 4:00 PM Work-based project- Project Report 10-12-2019 4:00 PM
Signature of Assessor
R. Okandeji Barry

Module Description A project is a unique, specific activity undertaken to achieve planned objectives defined in terms of outputs, outcomes or benefits. Management of a project is usually thought to be a success if it achieves its objectives against stated criteria within an agreed timescale and budget. Whether undertaking a major organizational change or a simple re-organization of procedures, project management skills are essential in a health and social care environment. The module examines four elements of managing a project: defining desired outcomes and objectives; creating a project plan; managing the process; and evaluating outcomes with a project report.

Assessment Tasks There are TWO assignments to be completed in this module:  Assignment 1 – Work-based Project (Project definition and Planning document) 2000 words +/- 10% Total Weighting: 50% Intended Learning Outcomes: 1 and 2

 Assignment 2 – Work-based project (Project Report) 2000 words +/- 10% Total Weighting: 50% Intended Learning Outcomes: 3 and 4

Assignment 1: Work-based Project (Project Definition and Planning Document)
Identify the need for a specific project in your health and social care work environment, with clearly defined outcomes. Prepare and produce a project Plan using critical path analysis. Your plan must show the outcomes (objectives), delivery process, budget timelines and all relevant shareholders (project team) and their specific roles and responsibilities.
[100 Marks] Project definition and Planning Document 2000 words+/- 10% Assignment 1 – Indicative Grading Criteria.

Essay A* 80%+ High First An excellent answer will have the following attributes:  Exceptional understanding of project definition and planning using critical path analysis.  Excellent articulation and justification of the roles and responsibilities of the project team as per the intended outcomes of the project.  Excellent understanding of the project delivery process with consideration for mitigating circumstances.  Exceptional demonstration of application of knowledge of the process project management.

 Exceptionally well structured and well-presented arguments to justify the choice of project and delivery approach  Correct use of English language  Referencing in correct Harvard Style.
A 70 – 79% First Class
All components will have been submitted, and the remaining criteria will be as noted for the 80%+ marking band. However, in one or two areas, the submission will be open to minor criticism.
B 60 – 69 % Upper Second
 A very good understanding project definition and planning using critical path analysis.  A very good articulation and justification of the roles and responsibilities of the project team as per the intended outcomes of the project.  A very good understanding of the project delivery process with consideration for mitigating circumstances.  A very good demonstration of application of knowledge of the process project management  A very good well-structured and well-presented arguments to justify the choice of project and delivery approach  Clear and logical structure showing progression of ideas and argument  There may be some minor mistakes in presentation or referencing.
C 50 – 59% Lower Second
All components will have been submitted, and the remaining criteria will be as noted for the 60-69% marking band. However, there will be some gaps in knowledge and analysis.
D 40 – 49% Third Class
 A basic understanding project definition and planning using critical path analysis.  A satisfactory articulation and justification of the roles and responsibilities of the project team as per the intended outcomes of the project.  A basic level of understanding of the project delivery process with consideration for mitigating circumstances.  A limited demonstration of application of knowledge of the process project management  A Weak structure with some mistakes in grammar or sentence structure.  References may have some style errors.
F 30 – 39% Fail

 The submission has a few major flaws.  A few important sections are missing.  Inadequate explanation and/or analysis.  Major language and referencing errors.
F 0 – 29% Poor Fail
 The submission has a large number of major flaws.  Most important sections are missing.  Assignment requirements not met at any level.

Assignment 2: Work-based Project (Project Report)
Carry out the project using the agreed plan in assignment one. In the implementation of the project, clearly identify all relevant issues and risks that were expected or unexpected and comment on how you have dealt with them. Prepare a Project report, analysing all outcomes and make recommendations for improvement.
[100 Marks] Project Report 2000 words+/- 10%

Assignment 2 – Indicative Grading Criteria

Case Study A 80%+ High First An excellent answer will have the following attributes:  An excellent management of project delivery process, including assessment of risks  Excellent evaluation of project outcomes and reporting with clearly articulated and logical argument.  Extensive reading of primary and secondary sources  Exceptionally well-structured and well-presented report  Full reference accurately in the Harvard style of referencing.
A 70 – 79% First Class
All components will have been submitted, and the remaining criteria will be as noted for the 80%+ marking band. However, in one or two areas student may not have demonstrated the skills as noted in band 80%+
B 60 – 69 % Upper Second
 A good management of project delivery process, including assessment of risks  A good evaluation of project outcomes and reporting with clearly articulated and logical argument.  Wide reading of primary and secondary sources  Very well-structured and well-presented report  A well-structured and coherent work written in correct English.  Full list of references with minor errors/omissions.
C 50 – 59% Lower Second
 All components will have been submitted, and the remaining criteria will be as noted for the 60-69% marking band. However, there will be some gaps in knowledge and analysis.
D 40 – 49% Third Class
 Demonstration of adequate management of project delivery process, including assessment of risks  Limited evaluation of project outcomes  Satisfactory reporting with major gabs and omissions.  Weak structured and presentation of report  Overall mainly descriptive work  Lack of wider research.

 The work will have some noticeable errors in the English Language.  References and citation of all the sources not included
F 30 – 39% Fail

 The work shows an insufficient level of factual or conceptual understanding of the subject.  The work is almost entirely descriptive showing little or no evidence of analysis and with unsubstantiated opinions.  Structure very weak or lacking  Many mistakes in grammar or sentence construction.  Underdeveloped academic style of writing  The references list not complete and not in the Harvard referencing style.
F 0 – 29% Poor Fail
 Largely inaccurate or irrelevant material. Little or no evidence of factual or conceptual understanding of the subject or of reading or research.  The work shows no evidence of analysis and contains unsubstantiated opinions  Structure very weak or lacking.  Many mistakes in grammar or sentence construction.  Citations and bibliography incorrect or missing.  The work may be incomplete or too brief.

Completing the tasks
In order to complete the Assignments 1 and 2, you will need to research different information sources such as textbooks, journals, articles and the internet. You are also required to develop skills in analysis and synthesis of information. Analysis requires you to critically examine different aspects of a topic and identify important issues. Synthesis requires you to summarise the information you have analysed in a clear and coherent manner. Make use of information on assignment preparation and command verb usage in your Moodle Platform.
Helpful information Core Texts •Burke, R. (2013), Project Management – Planning and Control Techniques. Chichester, Wiley •Lock, D. (2013), Project Management. Farnham, Gower •Martin, V. (2002), Managing Projects in Health and Social Care. London, Routledge •Newton, R. (2016), Project Management Step by Step. Harlow, Pearson Other Texts  APM Body of Knowledge, 7th edn Paperback, 2019 by Association for Project Management.  Bennett, N. (2017) Managing successful projects with PRINCE2. Norfolk: AXELOS.  Gido, J., Clements, J. and Baker, R. (2017) Successful project management, 7th edn, USA: Cengage Learning.  Lawrie, Alan (3rd Edn, 2010) The Complete Guide to Creating and Managing New Projects. DSC.  Maylor, H. (2019) Project Management, 5th edn. Prentice Hall.

 Pinto, J. (2019) Project Management: Achieving Competitive Advantage, Global Edition Paperback.

Referencing your work
References to relevant academic theory and research findings should be provided and cited appropriately using the Harvard system of referencing. Example of this referencing style is as follows:
Sillah, D. (2007) ‘Screening of TB in the Gambia’ Journal of Epidemiology, 1 (2), pp.34-56
Author/s name and initials are listed first, followed by year of publication in brackets. Then there is the title of article and the journal where article appears, which is in italics. Finally, state the volume and issue number (in brackets) along with the pages where article can be located. Include at least two in-text citations and references in each assessment criterion. Further information on the Harvard System of referencing is on your Moodle Platform. Note: Do not use Wikipedia as a source of reference. Plagiarism and cheating You are required to work independently when preparing this assignment. Presenting another learner’s work as yours or taking information from any sources without acknowledging the source constitutes plagiarism. You are expected to submit your work using the Turnitin software that is provided by the school. Please note that your work may be cancelled if you plagiarized and the Turnitin similarity report suggests inappropriate academic sources. Make sure you read over your work carefully and ensure that all sources of information have been acknowledged to avoid any untoward investigations that would result in a delay in your achievement of the module. Further information on plagiarism and potential consequences are available in your student handbooks.

Presentation Present a document with a word count of 2000 words (+/- 10%) (Project Plan) and 2000 words (+/- 10%) (Project report) excluding references, bibliography, images, diagrams, table and appendices. The word count should be stated in the assignment cover sheet and please note you will be penalized for exceeding the word limit. Work must be submitted in a folder, word processed in a suitable format of 12-point font, 1.5-line spacing and pages numbered. Submission
When submitting your assignment, you must include:  An Assignment Submission Sheet/ Assignment Front Cover  Other documents required by your lecturer as evidence of achievement such as a weekly log of activities undertaken in the workplace.  All assignments should be submitted via Turnitin.

Submission deadlines must be strictly observed. Therefore, disciplined time management is very important when producing this assignment. Failure to meet deadlines will be considered as a failure by non-submission. You will only have the opportunity for one resubmission of a different assignment. Refer to the Student Handbook for more information.

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