Business Process Management (MAN2910) Workbook.

Stage 1

Your group should provide a review (aimed at the management and staff of the organisation) on:

  1. Select and read academic journal papers (more recent and at least 3) related to Business Process Management, process analysis, design and development. You are required to provide an overview for the management team on BPM trends, why process analysis, design and development are important to their business (no more than 500 words).
  2. Discuss the current business process(es) and their prospective problems and issues based on your understanding and knowledge. Please note that ‘Do not make any recommendations on how to fix the problems at this stage (Stage 1)’. (no more than 500 words).

Stage 2

You are required to present the current “AS-IS” process models by using relevant drawing tools

To present the current process models, you should first understand the current process and construct the process models which should include both the main process and sub-process models (at least two sub-processes). To construct models, you are required to use any process modelling tools such as Signavio modelling tool.

Each diagram should occupy no more than one page. For the case provided, to make models readable, you need some sub-processes. However, how many sub-processes you need depends on your model design. You can have sub-processes in the main process, and also sub-processes inside of sub-processes. It can be multi-layered.

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