This assignment asks you research a particular aspect of the Constitution and/or Charter’s development, or a court decision, and its/their relation to Canadian society


•Introduction in which you explain your question, your thesis or arguments you will be examining, and major supporting points and explain how you will lay them out;

•The paper develops in a logical manner with each paragraph focusing on the development of a single point and clearly connected to preceding and subsequent paragraphs;

•A conclusion that reviews the basic argument of the paper, why it is important, and interesting and useful findings for further work;

•The papers should have a cover page, and page numbers beginning on the first page of writing (i.e. the cover does not count.) All citations should be in the APA, Chicago or Harvard style, with “author-date” parenthesis style in text, and a clear bibliography at the end. Be consistent and careful in your citation style. Your submission should be a traditional research essay with proper formatting and editing, including introduction, body paragraphs, and conclusion. You should stake out a position where required and aim to provide evidence (academic sources) to back up your
claims clearly and succinctly. Aim for a thesis statement and overview of what you will discuss in the paper at the outset of the introduction, and follow that path throughout the essay. Use subheadings where appropriate to help guide your essay, and finish with a conclusion, and bibliography. Please consult academic sources (min 6 + other sources like news articles, reports, government docs, cases, etc.)