Synopsis of a criminal act

  1. Make up with a synopsis of a criminal act. Include the elements needed to answer the following questions.
  2. Identify the crime(s) committed and the response by the police (this should detail the probable cause element for an arrest), suggest the charges for this individual (refer to the revised statutes in the state that you live to identify what crime(s) they may be charge with). You may have to do some additional outside research (besides the revised statutes in your state) using sources through the UMGC library to obtain some of this information.
  3. Pretend that you are the District Attorney for this case. Explain your role in the prosecution of this case. Detail the information and steps that will be taken to take this case to trial. Explain the elements that must be necessary in order for the suspect to be convictchoed in the U.S. court system.


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