Qualities of a Nurse Leader

Choose TWO leaders to interview either over the phone or via zoom or any other platform that works for them. TWO leaders are required for this alternate assignment.

2. Write an APA paper on the findings on both interviews answering the questions in the assignment prompt and any other findings learned over the interview. Submit into the dropbox.

3. Develop a 5-7 min video (a PPT is not required, students can simply talk to the camera – students can make a PPT if they want, but it is not necessary for such a short synopsis) offering and discussing the student’s main takeaway points from what they learned and how they may apply some of the information they learned in their practice or to further growth as a professional.

I resided in Atlanta Ga, I am Cardiac Nurse, if this is helpful in anyway, I have worked at Northside Hospital, Piedmont Hospital, and Northeast Georgia Medical

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