Contemporary Nursing Issue Paper Outline

Explanation of the Issue (5 elements)

  1. Identify the specific problem/issue
    • Reveal the issue/problem immediately in the paper
    • Hook the reader to want to read more
  2. Define the issue
    • This must be a literature-based definition
    • You may combine information from more than 1 source to create a definition for your paper
  3. Discuss the prevalence of the issue
    • This must be literature-based information
    • Does not need to be a number or percent; what in the literature speaks to the fact that this problem/issue is happening enough to warrant attention
  4. Describe the top 3 causes/reasons for the issue
    • These must be literature-based too
    • Be sure these directly cause the issue – only one step away from the problem
    • Cite from more than one source to develop significance of these causes
  5. Describe the top 3 negative outcomes of the issue
    • These must be literature-based too
    • Be sure these are a direct result of the issue – only one step away from the problem
    • Cite from more than one source to develop significance of these outcomes.

Proposed Strategy (4 elements)

  1. Propose a specific strategy/intervention from the nursing profession
  2. Tie it to ONE cause or negative outcome presented in the explanation

This sentence will address both 1 and 2:

“The nursing profession recommends/encourages/demands X (strategy) to reduce/eliminate/improve Y (one cause or outcome) associated with Z (issue).”

  1. Briefly explain the strategy; what are the essential components of the strategy?
  2. Provide brief rationale why that strategy and cause/outcome should be or can be addressed first.

Evidence to Support Strategy

  • Provide evidence that the proposed strategy will indeed work to reduce, eliminate, or improve that one cause or outcome of the issue
    • Find strong evidence from at least 3 separate sources
    • Do not present more evidence of the problem/issue. For example, do not argue that without the strategy the problem will continue or worsen. Show that the strategy will reduce, eliminate, or improve that one cause or outcome.
    • Logically build the evidence to convince the reader the strategy is effective.
    • If the strategy has not been implemented yet or the exact cause or outcome was not evaluated with that strategy yet – consider a similar strategy or similar cause or outcome and draw a correlation between the two. For example, if B worked to reduce C then X will work to reduce Y because.

Conclusion (3 elements)

  • Take the reader from the beginning to the end to once more connect the dots to convince the reader.
  1. Restate the issue
  2. Restate the proposed strategy statement
  3. Summarize key points in the evidence that supports the strategy’s effectiveness.

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