You will submit one Word document for this assignment. You will create this Word document by cutting and pasting SPSS output into Word. Please answer the questions and include all output below your answers.
Before beginning your assignment, download the following data set:
Chamorro-Premuzic.sav (Please see atacched in Excel).
Part A. SPSS Assignment
Part A has you really getting to know a set of data and allows you the opportunity to perform statistical tests and then interpret the output. You will rely on all you have learned to this point and add correlation and regression strategies to your tool kit.

Using the data set: Chamorro-Premuzic.sav you will focus on the variables related to Extroversion and Agreeableness (student and lecturer).

Do the following:

Exploratory Data Analysis.

Perform Exploratory Data Analysis on all variables in the data set. Because you are going to focus on Extroversion and Agreeableness, be sure to include scatterplots for these combinations of variables (Student Agreeableness/Lecture Agreeableness; Student Extroversion/Lecture Extroversion; Student Agreeableness/Lecture Extroversion; Student Extroversion/Lecture Agreeableness) and include the regression line on the chart.

Give a one to two paragraph write up of the data once you have done this.

Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.

Make a decision about the missing data. How are you going to handle it and why?

Correlation. Perform a correlational analysis on the following variables: Student Extroversion, Lecture Extroversion, Student Agreeableness, Lecture Agreeableness.

Ensure you handle missing data as you decided above.

State if you are using one or two-tailed test and why.

Write up the results in APA style and interpret them.

Regression. Calculate a regression that examines whether or not you can predict if a student wants a lecturer to be extroverted using the student’s extroversion score.

Ensure you handle missing data as you decided above.

State if you are using one or two-tailed test and why.

Include diagnostics.

Discuss assumptions; are they met?

Write the results in APA style and interpret them.

Do these results differ from the correlation results above?

Multiple Regression. Calculate a multiple regression that examines whether age, gender, and student’s extroversion predict if a student wants the lecturer to be extroverted.

Ensure you handle missing data as you decided above.

State if you are using one or two-tailed test and why.

Include diagnostics,

Discuss assumptions; are they met?

Write the results in APA style and interpret it.

Do these results differ from the correlation results above?

Part B. Applying Analytical Strategies to an Area of Research Interest.
My area of research interest is the behavior of learners toward the English language, specifically the resiliency of English learners.

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