Team Report 2a As this information is needed prior to part 2b.

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Remember to include the NSU assignment cover page with signatures of all contributors to the report. Originality reports must be at 20% or lower to receive full credit. Below is a very high quality example of work product you should all aspire to. This is a sample of team report 1 by your current classmates. Please model your remaining assignments, quality of work, and attention to detail after this example.

Team Report 1 Example.docx

Team Report 2  (2a & 2b)

  • Purpose of the assignment: To develop an original training program, with training materials represented by a list of content. Both Report 2a and 2b (8-15 pages each) are about the same training program.
    • Approach:
  1. Consider yourselves as a project group of HRD professionals. Your task is to develop a general training packet that is ready to be customized for future client companies. It is fine if you want to limit your client company to a certain industry or a certain type or size, but do not try to identify a company. Materials targeted at a specific company will not be counted toward your grade. Your job is to produce a package of training program for your client organization.
  2. Each group will select their own topic for their training program from the list below. The topic should be a component of one of the following HRD applications (See the textbook Chapters 8-15)[1].
  3. New employee orientation
  4. Skill training (e.g., safety training, software training)
  5. Coaching and performance management (e.g., how to conduct a performance appraisal interview)
  6. Employee wellness (e.g., coping with stress)
  7. Career development (e.g., using self-assessment tools for career development)
  8. Management development (e.g., leadership training)
  9. Organization development (e.g., team building)
  10. Diversity (e.g. cultural diversity)
  11. The topic should be one in which the group has considerable interest (or expertise).
  12. Team Report 2a: Needs assessment (Person & Task Analysis).
  13. Using Chapter 4 as a guide, each team will design a needs assessment process for their training program, prepared to be carried out in client companies. This includes rationales and data collection tools for both a person and a task analysis.
  14. Develop assessment instruments (e.g., interview questions, questionnaires, etc.) and explain the rationale of the assessment and details of the instruments.
  15. Here is the outline of your report:
  16. Introduction, give an overview of your program, assuming that there are organizational needs for the program (i.e., skipping the organizational needs assessment).
  17. Task analysis: if the training is for a specific job/position (e.g., certain skill training), start your analysis from a comprehensive job description. If you aim at multiple jobs/positions (e.g., orientation), choose at least twojobs/positions and analyze the relevant tasks involved with each job/position.
  • Person analysis: this includes designing and conducting a survey among your trainees.
  1. Conclusion.
  2. Appendix: put all your assessment tools/instruments here.


  • If your choice of topic is a mandatory program such as sexual harassment, your needs assessment should be focused on awareness assessment such as employee understanding of the topic and relevance of the topic to a task.
  • Focus on one job rather than many. Analysis of multiple jobs does not increase your grade.
  • When developing a survey questionnaire, you may search online for existing template.Many are available on government website and can serve as good reference for you. Be sure to cite these sources when you develop your own instruments.
  • Do not try to illustrate a hypothetical organization.Identifying an industry or a profession should be sufficient for your report. Do not conduct an organizational analysis.
  • Assignment Due: Week 6, Sunday, 11:59pm.

[1] The program you will develop by yourself does not have to be the same as the one that you interview for Report 1.  In fact, it would help if you set them a little different from each other.  The purpose of the interview project is to get you familiar with the training practice in the real world.  Whereas the purpose of 2a and 2b is to see how well you can combine your knowledge from the textbook and from the real practice together and apply it in your own creation.  It is my hope that you borrow the idea from the real program (with proper citations and references) but not bounded by its existent materials.





  Earning maximum points in each box in ‘PROFICIENT’ column and / or

points in columns to the right of ‘PROFICIENT’ meets standard.

  <<<<<<<<<< less quality . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . more quality >>>>>>>>>>  
Performance Criteria Basic

(0 points)


(1 point)


(2 points)


(3 points)


(4 points)

Needs Assessment Stage: Task analysis


Does not explain the stage.

Does not develop instruments and tools for the analysis.

Attempts to explain the stage.

Attempts to develop instruments and tools for the analysis.

Explains the stage.

Describes the practice.

Develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Substantially explains the stage.

Substantially develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Effectively explains the stage.

Effectively develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Needs Assessment Stage: personal analysis


Does not explain the stage.

Does not develop instruments and tools for the analysis.

Attempts to explain the stage.

Attempts to develop instruments and tools for the analysis.

Explains the stage.

Describes the practice.

Develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Substantially explains the stage.

Substantially develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Effectively explains the stage.

Effectively develops instruments and tools for the analysis.

Writes at the



NOTE: Student will be awarded zero points for intellectual dishonesty and risks failing course and other sanctions.


Does not introduce and conclude the paper.

Does not demonstrate the structure of the paper with segmentations and headings.

Does not write using appropriate grammar, spelling, sentence structure and format

(numerous major errors).

Does not use APA to cite references.

Attempts to introduce and conclude the paper.

Attempts to demonstrate the structure of the paper with segmentations and headings.

Attempts to write using appropriate grammar, spelling, sentence structure and format (several major errors). Attempts to uses APA to cite references (frequent errors).

Introduces and concludes the paper.

Demonstrates the structure of the paper with segmentations and headings.

Writes clearly using appropriate grammar, spelling, sentence structure and format (a few major and minor errors).

Uses APA style (few errors).


Substantially Introduces and concludes the paper.

Effectively demonstrates the structure of the paper with segmentations and headings.

Effectively, clearly, and creatively writes using appropriate grammar, spelling, sentence structure and format (very few minor or no errors).Uses APA to cite references effectively.

Effectively Introduces and concludes the paper.

Effectively demonstrates the structure of the paper with segmentations and headings.

Effectively, clearly, and creatively writes using appropriate grammar, spelling, sentence structure and format (very few minor or no errors).Uses APA to cite references effectively.


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