Watch the following video of Dr. Julio Bermudez, a professor of Architecture at the Catholic School of America. He talks about this very thing, architecture that lifts the human spirit. He also provides some data and examples. Pay attention to what he presents. The main video is about 35 minutes long, then it breaks into a question/answer session. You only need to watch his main presentation. You may certainly watch more if you desire.

Seeking A Spiritual City –

Think and write down in your design journal; buildings, landscapes, interiors, where you have felt this type of positive, uplifting emotion. These are to be man made projects, not just nature in its natural state. It might have been you expressed “Wow!” or similar. It might have been the view you were given, the way light came and shown on things or caused shadows or it might have been the volume of the space where you felt free.

Julio discussed 3 things that can elevate architecture to the transcendental level; Prayer, Charity & Fasting.

Revisit your list. Next to each buildings, landscapes or interiors, write which of Prayer, Charity & Fasting are part of it. List all that apply. Some might have all 3, some, only one. That’s ok.

Now, write down what might have caused you to feel the way you did for each of the buildings, landscapes or interiors. Think about it. The more you can understand what triggered those feelings in you, the more you can design spaces/buildings that trigger those feelings in others.

For example, when I look at spaces/buildings that move me and lift me, they are generally because of the following:

The view I am given of overlooking something.
The view up of being in a huge and overwhelming volume. I feel free. I feel open.
Light with shadows and reflections and play from materials and objects. The movement of water, tree branches/leaves, all which cast shadows/reflections. The motion or movement is cool to me.
White noise from moving water such as a fountain.
Go back and revise/add to your lists. Ponder and reflect.

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