Goal: Produce a multimodal presentation about a possible career in communication.
Course Objective:
• CO1: Explain the importance of communication in today’s diverse and multifaceted world.
• CO7: Create messages and products that will clearly communicate a message to a diverse and multifaceted audience.
• CO8: Describe potential communication career options.
Over the past seven weeks, you have had the opportunity to learn about the field of communication, from careers to ethics, writing and media choices. As you reflect on your own career path and major, think about ways in which communication can help you be successful. For your assignment, you will create an oral presentation that discusses these advantages in your chosen career or major.
Here are the requirements of the assignment:
• This is an oral presentation and should be an audio recording. Your presentation must be four minutes minimum and no longer than six minutes.
• Your oral presentation will be embedded in a PowerPoint presentation. Please include between 6 to 10 slides that include an agenda, introduction, body (2-4 slides), conclusion, and reference slides.
• Adding audio to a Power Point can be done through your computer microphone or you can record on another device and load to the presentation.
• You must cite two sources from our lessons and readings during the presentation. This can simply be “According to Smith…”
• Recording to a PowerPoint using a mic in your computer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QZp3jumnWUg
• Adding audio from a pre-existing audio file saved to your computer to a PowerPoint: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h1tPMViAc94

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