I attached Microsoft Word document. Make sure to answer those questions from my project.

Discussion of Impact on Learning:
1. What assessments did you use for Pre-Assessment?
2. Why did you use or plan to use this assessment?
3. What information did you learn or do you expect to learn from your pre-assessment?
4. Share your pre-assessment results. (If you have them, otherwise N/A.)
5. How will this information guide your instruction? Give specific examples.
6. What contextual information did you consider when developing your pre-assessment and your instructional tasks?
7. What would you change about this assessment in the future?

-Assessment During Instruction
1. What types of assessments did you plan to use during the actual lessons?
2. Why did you use these assessments?
3. What information do you expect to learn from your assessments?
4. How will these assessments guide future instruction? Give specific examples.
5. How would you use technology during the assessment and instructional process?
6. What would you change about your assessments during the lesson in the future?

-Final Assessment of Lesson
1. What assessments did you use to measure student mastery?
2. Why did you use this assessment?
3. What information do you expect to learn from your final assessment?
4. How would this information guide your instruction? Give specific examples.
5. How did you differentiate learning experiences to accommodate students with diverse learning needs?
6. Which culturally responsive teaching practices impact students the most?
7. What would you change about this assessment in the future?