1. Why do marketers study consumer behaviour?
2. What external influences have led to changes in the way consumers behave? (PESTLE)
3. How do these influences impact the buyer decision making process?
4. How do consumers make purchasing decisions in the current day?
5. How does the changing behaviour of consumers impact the hospitality industry and what ethical factors.
need to be considered as a result?
a) Research & reflection on past consumer behaviour in comparison to present day consumer behaviour.
b) Consideration of external factors influencing consumer behaviour.
c) Critical analysis of ethical considerations when studying/using data on consumer behaviour.
d) Relevant and compelling argument, and examples.
e) Ability to link theory and practical application.

Your Essay should include:
 Your essay must be written as an academic essay in the third person, and contain an Introduction, Body, Conclusion and a Reference list.
 You must use at least [4] in-text references to support your discussion, including your prescribed text and journal articles.
 You must reference using the UniSA Harvard Referencing style.

 Please format using:
o left alignment.
o double space between paragraphs and;
o use at least 1.5 line spacing to increase the ease of online reading and marking.