The second worldview paper assignment requires you to write an essay comparing/contrasting your own worldview with a Christian worldview. If you have a Christian worldview, you are to compare and contrast your Christian worldview with one of the other worldviews we examined this semester (how are they similar/how are they different). You will need to utilize the Sire ‘s fundamental questions we have been discussing throughout the semester. This is a paper, not merely answering the questions. They are listed below:

What is ultimate reality? What is the source of everything? Asking these questions does not mean that there is a definitive answer. Some worldviews may hold the belief that there is no intelligible answer to these questions.
Is the nature of the world eternal or does it have a beginning? Is it good or evil or something else? Is it orderly or chaotic, intelligible or absurd?
What is a human being? Do human beings have only a body, a body and a soul, or something else? Are we good or evil or amoral? Are we able to acquire knowledge of the world and of God? If so, how is this attained? What is the source of the problem or the problems that we face? What is the solution to the problem or problems?
What happens to a person at death?
Why is it possible to know anything at all?
What is the nature of our morality? How do we know right from wrong?
What is the meaning of human history? Is there a Meta-narrative? Another way of asking this question is whether this world view believes that there is The Story that tells how we got here and why we are here.
What personal, life-orienting core commitments are consistent with this worldview?

Prepare the worldview paper using the following guidelines:

A minimum of 7 pages not to exceed 9, typed, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 font, using APA standard

Title page, including title of paper, your name, course name and course number, date of submission (Page 1) according to APA standars.

A minimum of 5 pages describing your worldview (Pages 2-6) using parenthetical references ad indicated by APA standards

A reference page (Pages 7-9) according to APA standards

A minimum of 5 references are required, including the texts, The Holy Bible (Note the Bible does not go on cited reference page per APA Guidelines), The Universe Next Door, other books and articles from academic sources (Net Library), or other academic periodicals.

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